Travel on Golden Pass Panorama Trains from Montreux to Interlaken via Zweisimmen and Gstaad

Travel of the Golden Pass Express Trains from Montreux to Interlaken for fine views of Lake Geneva and Vineyards.

Travel on the luxury MOB Golden Pass Express panoramic, historic Belle Epoque, and express trains from Montreux on Lake Geneva to Interlaken via Château d’Oex, Gstaad, and Zweisimmen in the Swiss Alps with easy onward connections to Lucerne, Bern, and Gruyeres. The MOB Golden Pass trains connect Montreux with Alpine villages including Gstaad, Zweisimmen, and … Read more

Cheapest Ticket Prices on Montreux Golden Pass Panorama Trains

Tickets Golden Pass Express Trains First Class from Montreux are the same as any regular Swiss train.

Ticket prices for traveling on the luxury MOB Golden Pass panoramic, historic Belle-Epoque, and express trains from Montreux to Zweisimmen and Interlaken are amongst the cheapest of all the panorama railways in Switzerland. Seat reservations are recommended but not obligatory. All trains on the panorama railway line between Montreux and Zweisimmen (or on to Interlaken) … Read more

Public Transportation to Gruyères near Fribourg in Switzerland

Gruyères Castle in Switzerland

Getting to Gruyères is easy by car or public transportation (train) from the Lake Geneva region and Bern making this historic wall-enclosed town with castle very popular with day-trippers. Driving is usually the fastest option when traveling to Gruyères in Switzerland but public transportation is also a sensible choice. Gruyères is a romantic small, hill-top … Read more