Luxury Golden Pass Express and Panoramic Trains from Montreux

Travel on luxury MOB Golden Pass Express, Panoramic, or Belle Epoque trains on the panorama railway from Montreux on Lake Geneva to Interlaken via Zweisimmen in the Swiss Alps. The ticket prices on the different trains are the same.

Golden Pass Express Trains First Class

Trains connect Montreux and Zweisimmen about hourly in two hours via the very scenic Golden Pass railway that quickly climbs from Lake Geneva into Alpine valleys. The ticket prices for all the trains are the same so it is worth picking the nicest trains. The Golden Pass Express (GPX) trains are the newest and most luxurious trains. GPX trains with the largest panorama windows and can travel without transfers all the way to Interlaken. The nostalgic 1930s-style Belle Epoque trains are hugely popular and are often booked out in summer. The older Panoramic trains have large panorama windows and are a good choice for smaller stations. Reservations are optional but very sensible in the high season.

Luxury Panorama Golden Pass Trains from Montreux

GoldenPass Panoramic train in the Swiss Alps en route between Montreux and Zweisimmen in winter.
©MOB – GoldenPass

Very comfortable and luxurious trains operated by the private company MOB Golden Pass travel from Montreux on Lake Geneva to Zweisimmen and Interlaken Ost in the heart of Switzerland. A variety of different trains are used on the railways from Montreux into the Alps but as the ticket prices are the same whatever train is used, it is worth selecting the most interesting trains.

The basic routing is Montreux to Zweisimmen on a Golden Pass narrow-gauge train and then a simple transfer to a regular BLS train heading for Interlaken Ost (via Spiez and Interlaken West). To travel the complete Swiss Golden Pass Line, transfer in Interlaken-Ost to a narrow-gauge cogwheel train for Lucerne.

Map of the Golden Pass Express trains panorama train railway journey from Montreux on Lake Geneva to Interlaken in Switzerland.
©MOB – GoldenPass

Only the four times daily Golden Pass Express (GPX) trains are able to do the full journey from Montreux to Interlaken without a train change. The comfort of the Golden Pass Express and the convenience of this train makes it the first choice on the full route — the time saving is minimal but the regular trains from Zweisimmen are less luxurious and without panoramic windows.

→→ See Travel on the Golden Pass Line Trains from Montreux for more details on the route, stops, and connections.

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Different Types of MOB Golden Pass Trains

Golden Pass Belle-Epoque train passing through the vineyards en route to Montreux on Lake Geneva in Switzerland.
©MOB – GoldenPass

Four kinds of trains operate on the Golden Pass Line from Montreux. The basic ticket prices are the same on all these trains with reservations highly advisable on the panorama trains but not essential. In contrast to other special trains in Switzerland, no special reservation surcharge is payable. The basic seat reservation price is CHF20 on the Golden Pass Express trains and CHF10 on the Golden Pass Panoramic and Belle Epoque trains.

The four kinds of trains on the Golden Pass Line between Montreux and Zweisimmen (Interlaken) are:

Golden Pass Express train traveling through the vineyards with views of Lake Geneva and the Alps in summer.
©David Bochud / MOB

Golden Pass Express (PE GPX in timetables): these are the newest, most luxurious trains with the largest panorama windows and arguably the best choice if the timing works and seats are available. Up to four trains run daily in each direction from Montreux to Interlaken Ost in just over 3 hours. This is the only train with food service: only small snacks and drinks, or order a regional meal in advance. (Food and drinks are only served on the Montreux-Zweisimmen part of the journey.)

Golden Pass Panoramic (PE30 in timetables): slightly older trains than the latest GPX express but wagons all with panorama windows. Up to eight trains run daily in each direction between Montreux and Zweisimmen.

Golden Pass Belle-Epoque (also PE30 in timetables): nostalgic trains inspired by the Golden Mountain Pullmann and Orient Express trains from the 1930s. These trains are very comfortable and romantic but without the panorama windows of the newer trains. Usually two trains per day in each direction — they are often booked out for days in high summer.

Regular regional trains are mostly used for departures from Montreux (or Zweisimmen) earlier than 7:00 or after 18:00. R30 trains usually go the full distance while others, e.g. R34 trains connect Montreux with Les Avants or Château d’Oex. Seat reservations are not possible on these regional trains.

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Second Class or First Class on the Golden Pass Trains

GoldenPass Panoramic train Interior Second Class
©MOB – GoldenPass

Is First Class worth the extra expense over second class on Swiss trains?

Swiss trains are generally very comfortable and the Golden Pass trains even more so. First class or second class is mostly a matter of the budget — all travelers arrive at the same time.

First-class seats have more legroom and are wider. First class is usually configured as three seats across — single seats on one side of the aisle and double seats on the other. Second-class seats are four across.

The panorama windows in both classes are generally the same. Seats are mostly grouped in two or fours around a small table — a dark line in online reservation maps indicates the backrest of seats. Sufficient luggage space is available on all trains — either racks near the entrance or stow suitcases between seat rows or underneath seats.

Is First Class worth the extra cost? It certainly is nicer. It is also a very good deal when traveling on a railway pass such as Eurail, Interrail, or a Swiss Pass. As these panorama trains have no seat reservation surcharge similar to the Bernina and Glacier Express, pass holders enjoy a luxury experience without extra expense.

Prestige Class with large leather seats always facing in the direction of travel on the Golden Pass Express trains from Montreux to Interlaken
©MOB – GoldenPass

On the Golden Pass Express trains only, a Premium Class is available. These first-class leather seats are larger than standard and mounted higher for better views. Seats can turn for travelers preferring facing in the direction of travel rather than facing travel companions. Only 18 seats are available per train. Reservations (CHF35) are essential — also payable if taking an empty seat here during a journey.

First class on Swiss trains is not necessarily quieter or less crowded than second class. Children under 6 travel for free, as do children under 16 with a Junior Card irrespective of the class of travel.

The Golden Pass trains are a good deal as no surcharges are applicable and all standard Swiss railway passes and discounts may be applied.

→→ See Cheapest Ticket Prices on Golden Pass Trains for more details on fares and tips when buying MOB train tickets.

More on MOB Golden Pass Trains from Montreux

Golden Pass Express train first-class wagon traveling from Montreux to Zweisimmen in Switzerland.
GPX First Class – © MOB – GoldenPass
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